Step 1:
Once logged into your Marketing Control Center (MCC) hover your mouse over the “Listings” button located at the top of the page. In the sub-navigation menu hover over “More” and then click on “Single Property Websites”.
Step 2:
Click on “Create New” button.
Step 3:
Select your listing.
Step 4:
After selecting your listing it will appear below select field. Click “Next”.
Step 5:
Select domain to use for listing. You can select either Use a free sub-domain name or purchase personalized domain.
Step 6:
For this example we will use the free sub-domain. Enter sub-domain value and click “check availability”.
Step 7:
If domain is available then click on “validate”.
Step 8:
Click “Edit Site Details” to edit contact information, personalize site or email the owner.
Step 9:
Click link in top right to view site.